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The following describes HSE concepts that are important to understand for developing HSE applications and making effective use of the HSE API.


HSE provides functions to create and access a key-value database (KVDB). A KVDB comprises one or more named key-value stores (KVS), each of which is an independent collection of key-value (KV) pairs. A KVS is analogous to a table in a relational database.

HSE provides the standard KV operators for managing KV pairs stored in a KVS: put, get, and delete. HSE also provides transactions, cursors, prefix deletes, and other advanced features.

The HSE data model enables each KVS in a KVDB to be optimized for how the KV pairs it stores will be accessed.

Data Model

Understanding the HSE data model is fundamental to achieving maximum application performance. Adhering to the best practices of this data model can result in significantly greater performance than might be achieved otherwise. While this data model is simple, it has proven very effective.

Key Structure

To describe the HSE data model, we define the following terms.

  • key — a byte string used to uniquely identify a value for storage, retrieval, and deletion in a KVS
  • segmented key — a key that is logically divided into N segments, N >= 2, arranged to group related KV pairs when keys are sorted lexicographically
  • unsegmented key — a key not logically divided into segments

For segmented keys, we further define the following.

  • key prefix — the first K segments, 1 <= K < N, that group related KV pairs when keys are sorted lexicographically
  • key prefix length — the length of a key prefix in bytes

KVS Configuration

In the common case where related sets of KV pairs are accessed together, best performance is generally achieved by:

  • defining a segmented key with a key prefix such that KV pairs to be accessed together are grouped (contiguous) when keys are sorted lexicographically, and

  • creating a KVS to store these KV pairs with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) equal to the key prefix length of the segmented key.

In the case where there is no relationship between KV pairs, best performance is generally achieved by:

  • defining an unsegmented key, and

  • creating a KVS to store these KV pairs with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of zero (0).

Keep in mind that a KVDB may contain multiple KVSs. So in the case where there are multiple collections of KV pairs, each collection can be stored in a different KVS with a key structure, and corresponding KVS prefix.length parameter, that is appropriate for that collection. This is a powerful capability that enables HSE to optimize storage and access for all KV pairs in a KVDB without compromise.

Operation Support

HSE provides several advanced operations with features that directly support the HSE data model. These operations are described in detail later, but we briefly discuss how they support the data model here.

Cursors are used to iterate over keys in a KVS in forward or reverse lexicographic order. Cursors support an optional filter, which is a byte string limiting a cursor's view to only those keys whose initial bytes match the filter. The primary use for cursors is with a KVS storing segmented keys, where the length of the specified filter is equal to or greater than the key prefix length for that KVS. Used this way, cursors provide efficient iteration over sets of related KV pairs.

Prefix deletes are used to atomically remove all KV pairs in a KVS with keys whose initial bytes match a specified filter. The length of the filter must be equal to the prefix.length parameter of the KVS. The primary use for prefix deletes is with a KVS storing segmented keys. This is a powerful capability that enables sets of related KV pairs to be deleted from a KVS in a single operation without cursor iteration.

Transactions are used to execute a sequence of KV operations atomically. Transactions support operating on KV pairs in one or more KVSs in a KVDB. This allows storing multiple collections of KV pairs in different KVSs to optimize access, without giving up the ability to operate on any of those KV pairs within the context of a single transaction.

Modeling Examples

Below we present examples of applying the HSE data model to the real-world problem of storing and analyzing machine-generated data. Specifically, log data captured from datacenter servers.

System logs are commonly retrieved from datacenter servers on a periodic basis and stored for both real-time and historical analysis. We examine several ways this data might be modeled, depending on how it will be accessed and managed.

Simple Log Storage

We start with a simple data model for storing log data in a KVDB. This model uses a single KVS with segmented keys as defined below, and values which are individual log records.

Key offset Segment Length (bytes) Segment Name Description
0 8 sysID System identifier
8 8 ts Timestamp
16 2 typeID Log type identifier

In this and later examples, segment names are for convenience of presentation (they do not exist in the HSE API), and segment lengths are representative. Also, partial or complete keys may be represented as tuples using segment names. For example, (sysId), (sysID, ts), or (sysID, ts, typeID).

We define the key prefix to be (sysID), yielding a key prefix length of 8 bytes. Hence, we would create a KVS for storing these KV pairs with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of 8 bytes.

With this data model and KVS configuration, a cursor with the filter (sysID) can be used to efficiently iterate over the log records associated with the system sysID. Furthermore, the cursor can be used to efficiently seek to the first key (in the cursor's view) that is lexicographically equal to or greater than a (sysID, ts), and then iterate from there.

This data model makes it easy and efficient to search the log records associated with system sysID over an arbitrary time span. However, pruning those log records, for example to retain only those from the past 30 days, requires iterating over all older records and deleting them individually.

Next we will look at enhancing this data model to make log record maintenance more efficient.

Per-System Epoch-based Log Storage

We extend the simple data model from above to include an epoch identifier representing a well-defined time interval. For example, an epoch might be four hours in length, with 6 epochs per day, 42 epochs per week, and so forth. We assume that a log record's timestamp can be mapped to a specific epoch through simple computation.

We again use a single KVS but with segmented keys as defined below, and values which are individual log records.

Key offset Segment Length (bytes) Segment Name Description
0 8 sysID System identifier
8 8 epochID Epoch identifier
16 8 ts Timestamp
24 2 typeID Log type identifier

We define the key prefix to be (sysID, epochID), yielding a key prefix length of 16 bytes. Hence, we would create a KVS for storing these KV pairs with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of 16 bytes.

With this data model and KVS configuration, a cursor with the filter (sysID, epochID) can be used to efficiently iterate over the log records associated with the system sysID within the epoch epochID. Furthermore, the cursor can be used to efficiently seek to the first key (in the cursor's view) that is lexicographically equal to or greater than (sysID, epochID, ts), and then iterate from there within the epoch.

With this revised data model, it is still easy and efficient to search the log records associated with system sysID over an arbitrary time span, though it is necessary to configure a cursor to iterate over each epoch of interest (e.g., to cross epoch boundaries). However, we can now prune log records very efficiently by using a single prefix delete to remove all KV pairs with a specified key prefix of (sysID, epochID).

Next we examine a variation on this per-system epoch-based data model.

All-Systems Epoch-based Log Storage

The previous data model makes it easy and efficient to iterate over the log records associated with a given sysID for a specified epochID. However, to view records from multiple systems for a specified epochID requires a cursor iteration per sysID of interest.

We can instead group the log records for all systems within an epoch by using a KVS with segmented keys as defined below, and values which are individual log records.

Key offset Segment Length (bytes) Segment Name Description
0 8 epochID Epoch identifier
8 8 ts Timestamp
16 8 sysID System identifier
24 2 typeID Log type identifier

We define the key prefix to be (epochID), yielding a key prefix length of 8 bytes. Hence we would create a KVS for storing these KV pairs with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of 8 bytes.

With this data model and KVS configuration, a cursor with the filter (epochID) can be used to efficiently iterate over the log records for all systems within the epoch epochID in timestamp order. Furthermore, the cursor can be used to efficiently seek to the first key (in the cursor's view) that is lexicographically equal to or greater than (epochID, ts), and then iterate from there within the epoch.

It should be clear that there is some loss of efficiency, versus the prior data model, to obtain all the log records associated with a specified sysID over an arbitrary time span, because records associated with systems other than sysID will be in the cursor's view and must be skipped. However, this is still a reasonably efficient query because it meets the criteria that the length of the cursor filter be equal to or greater than the key prefix length to achieve maximum performance.

With this revised data model, pruning log records remains efficient because we can still use a single prefix delete to remove all KV pairs with a specified key prefix of (epochID). In this case, the records for all systems in the epoch are pruned together.


This particular data model provides the opportunity to point out another best practice that can result in significantly greater performance. For a KVS storing segmented keys, it is important that the key prefix specified in put operations takes on a modest number of different values over a consecutive sequence of puts. For this example, that means choosing an epoch that is relatively short versus what one might select with the prior data model.

Finally, we will examine an index-based data model for log storage.

Index-based Log Storage

The prior data models for log storage have the benefit of simplicity in that the KVDB has only a single KVS. However, they may provide less flexibility than required by the application. In this next example, we demonstrate how to use multiple KVSs to effectively index log records.

For brevity, we define the key structure for each KVS using the tuple syntax, segment names, and segment lengths adopted in prior examples.

KVS Name Key Type Key Key Prefix KVS prefix.length Value
logRec segmented (epochID, ts, sysID, typeID) (epochID) 8 Log record content
sysIdx segmented (sysID, epochID, ts, typeID) (sysID, epochID) 16

The KVS logRec stores the content of all log records, with each log record uniquely identified by the segmented key (epochID, ts, sysID, typeID) with key prefix (epochID). Hence we would create KVS logRec with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of 8 bytes.

The KVS sysIdx is an index for the log records stored in KVS logRec, with a key pefix of (sysID, epochID). Hence we would create KVS sysIdx with a key prefix length parameter (prefix.length) of 16 bytes.

Using KVS logRec, a cursor with the filter (epochID) can be used to efficiently iterate over the log records for all systems within the epoch epochID in timestamp order. Furthermore, the cursor can be used to efficiently seek to the first key (in the cursor's view) that is lexicographically equal to or greater than (epochID, ts), and then iterate from there within the epoch.

Using KVS sysIdx, a cursor with the filter (sysID, epochID) can be used to efficiently iterate over the log records associated with the system sysID within the epoch epochID. Furthermore, the cursor can be used to efficiently seek to the first key (in the cursor's view) that is lexicographically equal to or greater than (sysID, epochID, ts), and then iterate from there within the epoch.

Note that KVS sysIdx does not contain any log record contents, and in fact stores no values at all (i.e., all value lengths are zero). To obtain the contents of a specific log record, there is the added step of a get operation in KVS logRec with key (epochID, ts, sysID, typeID).

The above schema accomplishes the following.

  • Efficient iteration over the log records from all systems in a specified epoch using a cursor with KVS logRec.
  • Efficient iteration over the log records from a specific system in a specified epoch using a cursor with KVS sysIdx.
  • No duplication of log record content.

A transaction can be used to atomically put (insert) KV pairs for a given log record in KVS logRec and KVS sysIdx. This guarantees integrity of the sysIdx index.

Pruning log records is a bit more complex than the prior data models, bit still relatively straight-forward. To delete all log records for a given epochID, where the epoch is assumed to have passed, you would

  • use a cursor with filter (epochID) to iterate over KVS logRec to build a list of all sysID in the epoch, and then
  • in a single transaction, prefix delete each key prefix (sysID, epochID) from KVS sysIdx, and prefix delete the key prefix (epochID) from KVS logRec.


HSE uses multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) techniques to implement industry-standard snapshot isolation semantics for transactions and cursors. In this model, transactions and cursors operate on KVS snapshots in a KVDB.

Conceptually, a KVS snapshot contains KV pairs from all transactions committed, or non-transaction operations completed, at the time the KVS snapshot is taken. A KVS snapshot is ephemeral and ceases to exist when all associated transaction and cursor operations complete.


Transactions are used to execute a sequence of KV operations as a unit of work that is atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID). A transaction may operate on KV pairs in one or more KVSs in a KVDB.

When a KVS is opened, the transactions.enabled parameter specifies whether or not that KVS supports transactions. This is not a persistent setting in that the KVS may be closed and later reopened in a different mode. The following table specifies the operations that may be performed on a KVS opened with transactions enabled or disabled, where:

  • Read is a query operation, such as get or cursor iteration
  • Update is a mutation operation, such as put, delete, or prefix delete
KVS Transactions Enabled KVS Transactions Disabled
Transaction Read
Transaction Update
Non-transaction Read
Non-transaction Update

Conceptually, when a transaction is initiated an instantaneous snapshot is taken of all KVSs in the specified KVDB for which transactions are enabled. The transaction may then be used to read or update KV pairs in these KVS snapshots.

Snapshot isolation is enforced by failing update operations in a transaction that collide with updates in concurrent transactions, after which the transaction may be aborted and retried. In rare cases, the collision detection mechanism may produce false positives.

HSE implements asynchronous (non-durable) transaction commits. Committed transactions are made durable via one of several durability controls.


Cursors are used to iterate over keys in a KVS snapshot. A cursor can iterate over keys in forward or reverse lexicographic order.

Cursors support an optional filter, which is a byte string limiting a cursor's view to only those keys in a KVS snapshot whose initial bytes match the filter.


Cursors deliver significantly greater performance when used with a KVS storing segmented keys, and where a filter is specified with a length equal to or greater than the key prefix length for that KVS. To the degree practical, you should structure applications to avoid using cursors outside of this use case. Furthermore, you should always use get operations instead of cursor seeks when iteration is not required.

A cursor can be used to seek to the first key in the cursor's view that is lexicographically equal to or greater than a specified key. The interaction of cursor filters and seek is best described by example.

Consider a KVS storing the following keys, which are listed in lexicographic order: "ab001", "af001", "af002", "ap001".

If a cursor is created for the KVS with a filter of "af", then the cursor's view is limited to the keys: "af001", "af002".

If that cursor is then used to seek to the key "ab", it will be positioned at the first key in its view equal to or greater than "ab", which is "af001". Iterating (reading) with the cursor will return the key "af001", then "af002", and then the EOF condition indicating there are no more keys in view.

If instead the cursor is used to seek to the key "ap", it will be positioned past the last key in its view, such that an attempt to iterate (read) with the cursor will indicate an EOF condition.

There are two types of cursors: non-transaction and transaction.

A non-transaction cursor iterates over a KVS snapshot that is taken at the time the cursor is created. However, the cursor's view may be explicitly updated to the latest snapshot of the KVS at any time. A non-transaction cursor can be created for a KVS independent of whether the KVS was opened with transactions enabled or disabled.

A transaction cursor iterates over a KVS snapshot associated with an active transaction, including any updates made in that transaction. If the transaction commits or aborts before the cursor is destroyed, the cursor's view reverts to the KVS snapshot taken at the time the transaction first became active. I.e., updates made in the transaction are no longer in the cursor's view. By definition a transaction cursor can only be created for a KVS opened with transactions enabled. A transaction cursor's view cannot be explicitly updated.

Durability Controls

HSE provides the hse_kvdb_sync() API call to flush cached KVDB updates to stable storage, either synchronously or asynchronously. All cached updates are flushed, whether from non-transaction operations or committed transactions. In the normal case where journaling is enabled (durability.enabled), cached updates are written to the journal on stable storage. Otherwise, cached updates are written directly to a KVDB media class on stable storage.

HSE also supports automatically flushing cached KVDB updates to the journal on stable storage. The frequency for automatically flushing cached updates is controlled by the durability interval (durability.interval_ms) configured for a KVDB.


HSE supports highly-concurrent multithreaded applications, and most functions in the HSE API are thread-safe. However, there are a few exceptions, as documented in the API reference.

Delete Semantics

Delete operations logically remove KV pairs from a KVS. However, HSE implements physical removal as a background operation, and hence capacity is not freed immediately.