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Configuration Parameters

HSE defines global, KVDB, and KVS configuration parameters as described below. These are classified as either create-time parameters, which apply when an application creates a KVDB or KVS, or runtime parameters, which apply each time an application initializes the HSE library or opens a KVDB or KVS.

In addition to the detailed descriptions below, you can find parameter usage in the CLI reference and HSE sample programs.

Global Parameters

Global parameters are runtime parameters that apply at the application level. These parameters may be specified in the hse_init() API call or in the optional hse.conf JSON file, which is also specified in hse_init().

For hse_init() API calls, specify global parameters in the form <param>=<value>. For example, rest.enabled=false.

The following global parameters are part of the stable API.

Parameter Default Description
logging.enabled true Logging mode (false==disabled, true==enabled)
logging.destination syslog Log destination (stdout, stderr, file, syslog)
logging.path $PWD/hse.log Log file when logging.destination==file
logging.level 7 Logging severity level (0==emergency; 7==debug)
rest.enabled true REST interface mode (false==disabled, true==enabled)
rest.socket_path $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hse-<pid>.sock UNIX domain socket file when rest.enabled==true


If $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not defined then the default value for rest.socket_path is /tmp/hse-<pid>.sock.

KVDB Parameters

KVDB parameters apply when a KVDB is created or opened.

KVDB Create-time Parameters

KVDB create-time parameters may be specified in the hse_kvdb_create() API call or when using the CLI to create a KVDB. In either case, specify KVDB create-time parameters in the form <param>=<value>. For example, storage.capacity.path=/path/to/capacity/dir.

The following KVDB create-time parameters are part of the stable API.

Parameter Default Description
storage.capacity.path <KVDB home>/capacity Capacity media class directory
storage.staging.path null Staging media class directory
storage.pmem.path <KVDB home>/pmem Pmem media class directory


Defaults for storage.capacity.path and storage.pmem.path are applied only when applicable based on the KVDB home directory storage.

KVDB Runtime Parameters

KVDB runtime parameters may be specified in the hse_kvdb_open() API call or in the optional kvdb.conf JSON file in the KVDB home directory, which is also specified in hse_kvdb_open().

For hse_kvdb_open() API calls, specify KVDB runtime parameters in the form <param>=<value>. For example, durability.interval_ms=1000.

The following KVDB runtime parameters are part of the stable API.

Parameter Default Description
mode rdwr Open mode (rdwr, rdonly, rdonly_replay, diag)
durability.enabled true Journaling mode (false==disabled, true==enabled)
durability.interval_ms 100 Max time data is cached (in milliseconds) when durability.enabled==true
durability.mclass auto Media class for journal (capacity, staging, pmem, auto)
throttling.init_policy auto Ingest throttle at startup (light, medium, heavy, auto)


The throttling.init_policy may also be set to default, which is an alias for heavy. This is to maintain backward compatibility with earlier releases of HSE.

Open Modes

The KVDB mode parameter controls how a KVDB may be accessed after opening and whether updates are applied from HSE journals in the process of opening the KVDB.

mode Description Storage Access
rdwr Journaled updates are applied. KVDB may be queried or updated. Read/Write
rdonly Open fails if there are journaled updates. KVDB may be queried only. Read only
rdonly_replay Journaled updates are applied. KVDB may be queried only. Read/Write
diag Journaled updates are ignored. KVDB may be queried only, and may not be up to date. Read only

To open a KVDB in either rdwr or rdonly_replay mode, the storage underlying all media classes configured for the KVDB must be writable. A KVDB may be opened in either rdonly or diag mode when the storage underlying some or all media classes configured for the KVDB is read-only.

Durability Settings

The KVDB durability parameters control how HSE journals updates for that KVDB to provide for recovery in the event of a failure.

The parameter durability.enabled determines whether or not journaling is enabled. In general, you should always set this to true. As a rare exception, applications that implement their own form of durability may want to disable HSE journaling to increase performance.

The parameter durability.interval_ms specifies the frequency (in milliseconds) for automatically flushing cached updates to the journal on stable storage. Increasing this value may improve performance but also increases the amount of data that may be lost in the event of a failure.

The parameter durability.mclass specifies the media class for storing journal files. In general, best performance is achieved by storing the journal files on the fastest media class configured for a KVDB.

If durability.mclass is set to auto, HSE selects (applies) the value pmem, or staging, or capacity, in that order, depending on the media classes configured for the KVDB. The media class value that HSE selects when auto is specified may change in future releases.

See the discussion on HSE durability controls for additional details.

Initial Throttle Setting

On startup, HSE throttles the rate at which it processes updates in a KVDB, referred to as the ingest rate. HSE increases the ingest rate for the KVDB until it reaches the maximum sustainable value for the underlying storage. This ramp-up process can take up to 200 seconds.

For benchmarks, this initial throttling can greatly distort results. In normal use, this initial throttling may impact the time before a service is fully operational.

The throttling.init_policy parameter can be used to achieve the maximum ingest rate in far less time. It specifies a relative initial throttling value of light (minimum), medium, or heavy (maximum) throttling.

If throttling.init_policy is set to auto, HSE selects (applies) the value heavy if the KVDB is configured with a capacity media class, or light if the KVDB is configured with only a pmem media class. The initial throttling value that HSE selects when auto is specified may change in future releases.

Setting the throttling.init_policy parameter improperly for the underlying storage can cause the durability interval (durability.interval_ms) to be violated or internal indexing structures to become unbalanced for a period of time. For example, this may occur if throttling.init_policy is set to light with relatively slow KVDB storage.

For a KVDB configured with a capacity media class, the CLI provides a command to determine the appropriate throttling.init_policy setting. You can run it as follows.

hse storage profile /path/to/capacity/storage/for/the/kvdb

The path specified in hse storage profile should be a directory in the file system hosting the capacity media class for the KVDB of interest. Use the output of hse storage profile to specify the throttling.init_policy value for that KVDB.

For a KVDB configured with only a pmem media class, specify a throttling.init_policy value of light or auto.

KVS Parameters

KVS parameters apply when a KVS is created or opened.

KVS Create-time Parameters

KVS create-time parameters may be specified in the hse_kvdb_kvs_create() API call or when using the CLI to create a KVS. In either case, specify KVS create-time parameters in the form <param>=<value>. For example, prefix.length=8.

The following KVS create-time parameters are part of the stable API.

Parameter Default Description
prefix.length 0 Key prefix length (bytes)


For details on setting prefix.length, see the discussion on the HSE data model and prefix deletes.


The KVS name default is reserved and may not be used in hse_kvdb_kvs_create() API calls or with the CLI.

KVS Runtime Parameters

KVS runtime parameters may be specified in the hse_kvdb_kvs_open() API call or in the optional kvdb.conf configuration file in the KVDB home directory, which is also specified in hse_kvdb_open().

For hse_kvdb_kvs_open() API calls, specify KVS runtime parameters in the form <param>=<value>. For example, transactions.enabled=true.

The following KVS runtime parameters are part of the stable API.

Parameter Default Description
transactions.enabled false Transaction mode (false==disabled, true==enabled)
mclass.policy auto Media class usage (see discussion below for value strings)
value.compression.default off Value compression default mode (off, on)


The value.compression.default setting in effect for the KVS can be overridden by a flag in individual hse_kvs_put() API calls.

Transaction Mode

When a KVS is opened, the transactions.enabled value determines whether or not transactions are enabled for the KVS. This mode may be changed by closing and reopening the KVS.

See the discussion on HSE transactions for additional details.

Media Class Usage

The media class usage policy for a KVS defines how the key-value data in that KVS is stored and managed in a KVDB. Key and value data in a KVS can either be pinned to a particular media class, or tiered from one media class to another as it ages. This behavior is determined by the mclass.policy setting for the KVS.

The following mclass.policy settings pin key and value data:

  • capacity_only pins all key and value data to the capacity media class
  • staging_only pins all key and value data to the staging media class
  • pmem_only pins all key and value data to the pmem media class

The following mclass.policy settings tier key and value data:

  • staging_max_capacity pins all key data to the staging media class and tiers all value data from staging to capacity
  • staging_min_capacity tiers all key and value data from the staging to the capacity media class
  • pmem_max_capacity pins all key data to the pmem media class and tiers all value data from pmem to capacity

Below is a visualization of these mclass.policy settings in terms of the media classes that may contain key and value data for a KVS.

mclass.policy pmem staging capacity
capacity_only keys, values
staging_only keys, values
pmem_only keys, values
staging_max_capacity keys, values values
staging_min_capacity keys, values keys, values
pmem_max_capacity keys, values values

If mclass.policy is set to auto, HSE selects (applies) the value for the media class usage policy per the table below. The usage policy value that HSE selects when auto is specified may change in future releases.

Media classes configured for the KVDB mclass.policy value selected
capacity capacity_only
staging, capacity staging_max_capacity
pmem, staging, capacity pmem_max_capacity
pmem, capacity pmem_max_capacity
pmem pmem_only

Configuration Files

The following are the JSON file formats for the optional HSE configuration files.

hse.conf JSON File

See the discussion on global parameters for definitions, legal values, and defaults.

  "logging": {
    "enabled": boolean,
    "destination": "stdout | stderr | file | syslog",
    "path": "/log/file/path",
    "level": integer
  "rest": {
    "enabled": boolean,
    "socket_path": "/UNIX/socket/file/path"

kvdb.conf JSON File

See the discussions on KVDB runtime parameters and KVS runtime parameters for definitions, legal values, and defaults.

  "mode": "rdwr | rdonly | rdonly_replay | diag",
  "durability": {
    "enabled": boolean,
    "interval": integer,
    "mclass": "capacity | staging | pmem | auto"
  "throttling": {
    "init_policy": "light | medium | heavy | auto"
  "kvs": {
    "<kvs name>": {
      "transactions": {
        "enabled": boolean
      "mclass": {
        "policy": "see KVS runtime parameter discussion for value strings"
      "value": {
        "compression": {
          "default": "off | on"

The KVS name default is reserved and its parameters apply to all the KVS in a KVDB. Parameters specified for a named KVS override those specified via default.

Precedence of Parameters

The final value for a specific configuration parameter is determined of follows:

  • The built-in default value is applied first
  • The value is then overridden by an API (or CLI) setting, if any
  • The value is then overridden by an hse.conf or kvdb.conf setting, if any

This ordering allows the effective value of a configuration parameter to be modified without recompiling an HSE application.