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Configure Storage

HSE uses the mpool kernel module to store data. Mpool implements an object storage device interface on SSD volumes.

The term volume is used generically here to refer to a

  • Physical drive or drive partition
  • Logical drive, such as a Linux LVM volume, a SAN array volume, or a cloud storage volume

We recommend using logical volumes when configuring mpools for HSE storage. Logical volumes provide greater flexibility in managing capacity and performance, among other benefits.

Storage Configuration Example

The following example demonstrates configuring an mpool to store an HSE key-value database (KVDB). The mpool is configured with a single media class (class of solid-state storage), which is the common case.

In this example, Linux LVM is used to create a logical volume striped on two physical SSDs. This volume is then used to configure the required capacity media class for the mpool.

Configure a logical volume

Configure a striped logical volume from a volume group comprising two physical SSDs.

$ sudo vgcreate vg_nvmeSSD /dev/nvme1n1 /dev/nvme2n1
$ sudo lvcreate -L 1TB -i 2 -I 64 -n mydb_capacity vg_nvmeSSD

Configure an mpool

Configure an mpool using the mpool CLI. This creates an mpool device file /dev/mpool/<mpool name>. Mpool uses the standard Linux security model whereby each mpool (device file) has an owner (UID), group owner (GID), and mode bits controlling access. In this example, jdoe is used for the UID and GID.

We also specify a media block (mblock) size for the capacity media class of 32MB, which is recommended for all HSE media class devices.

$ sudo mpool create mydb /dev/vg_nvmeSSD/mydb_capacity uid=jdoe gid=jdoe mode=0600 capsz=32

View the mpool

You can now view information about the mpool using the mpool CLI, and see it in the device file namespace.

$ sudo mpool list
mydb     1.00t   1.16g    972g     0.12%    raw   optimal

$ ls -l /dev/mpool
crw------- 1 jdoe jdoe 238, 1 Mar 18 18:44 mydb


The mpool mydb can now be used to create a KVDB.

Best Practices

See the mpool Wiki for complete information on configuring and managing mpool storage, including increasing mpool capacity, and configuring multiple media classes. The mpool CLI also contains embedded help.

Best practices for configuring an mpool for HSE storage include the following.

  • Use SSD-backed volumes. HSE is designed and optimized for SSD performance characteristics.
  • Configure volumes with a 4KB logical block size whenever possible.
  • When using Linux LVM to configure logical volumes, specify a stripesize of 64KB for striped volumes.
  • Configure mpools with a 32MB media block (mblock) size, which is the default.
  • Configure mpools with 5% spare capacity in each media class, which is the default.
  • Configure mpools with 40% more capacity than required to store key-value data to accommodate space amplification from HSE metadata and deferred deletes. Keep in mind that mpool capacity can be increased, though not while the stored KVDB is active (in use).