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The following are tips for benchmarking an HSE client application, whether one of your own, or one we have already integrated such as YCSB or MongoDB. If developing your own application, review the section on HSE concepts and follow HSE client best practices.

Mpool Storage

Configure mpool storage for the client application on a volume with performance characteristics similar to what will be observed in production.

Follow mpool configuration best practices for HSE storage.

Use the mpool_profile tool to determine the appropriate KVDB throttle_init_policy value to use with the mpool.

Configuration Parameters

Create an HSE configuration file for the client application with at least the following parameter settings:

  • kvdb.throttle_init_policy with a value determined by mpool_profile
  • kvdb.dur_intvl_ms with a value appropriate for the application
  • kvs.value_compression with a value of lz4, unless the application performs its own value compression